Maya Abou Rouphael is a Lebanese actress and television personality, known for her captivating performances and charismatic presence on screen. Born and raised in Lebanon, Maya has become a prominent figure in the Arab entertainment industry, starring in various television dramas, films, and stage productions. With her versatile acting skills and ability to portray a diverse range of characters, she has captured the hearts of audiences across the Middle East.

Aside from her acting career, Maya Abou Rouphael is also recognized for her contributions to Lebanese television as a presenter and host. She has hosted several popular programs, showcasing her wit, charm, and engaging personality. Maya's natural talent for connecting with viewers has made her a beloved figure in the world of Arab television, earning her widespread admiration and acclaim.

In addition to her work in entertainment, Maya Abou Rouphael is actively involved in philanthropic initiatives and social causes. She uses her platform to raise awareness about issues such as women's rights, education, and healthcare, advocating for positive change in her community and beyond. Maya's commitment to making a difference, both on and off the screen, reflects her passion for using her influence to create a better world.